Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

Examples of Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy

Potential Energy ( Ep )The potential energy is a form of energy possessed by the object due to its position or because of its location on the earth .
a. An object that is at a certain height from the earth then the object has gravitational potential energy .
b . After reaching the earth's energy can be turned into a great sound and its potential energy is equal to zero ( 0 ) .

c . Examples of gravitational potential energy , for example :
1 ) Waterfall
2 ) Landslides
3 ) Free falling object
d . The amount of potential energy is influenced by three ( 3 ) factors: mass ( m ) , acceleration of gravity 
( g ) and the position of the earth ( h ) and the third factor of the potential energy ( Ep ) have comparable values ​​.

Kinetic energy ( Ek )

Kinetlk energy is a form of energy possessed by a moving object .
a. A car that runs memillki kinetic energy .
b . If the car pounding hard objects that can be turned into sound energy and the impact that cars or objects that ground will be broken .
Examples of kinetic energy in everyday life , for example :
a. The ball rolling on the floor
b . The car was speeding on the road
c . Thrown objects and others

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